Occupy Wall Street
OWS was the culmination of 3 years of unrest I witnessed in New York city, what started as US housing bubble burst in 2006. The undercurrents echoed in several other parts of the world in many forms questioning the existing norms and institutions. Unrest in the middle east heightened with Gaza blockade, Tunisian and subsequent Egyptian uprising against their regimes. Eventually reverberations were heard in the western hemisphere to ‘Occupy’ the ‘isms’ that let the winds of financial unrest across the globe. New York city responded to the global anxieties at different levels. On the surface, it seemed calm and hopeful after the recent elections and Obama’s presidency. But sparks of unrest flashed in various smaller demonstrations for climate justice, support for Egypt, against blockade in Gaza and finally boiling into the Occupy movement. This is a four month documentation from its starting day on September 17, 2011.